one reported needing rename 4 torrent's folders/files inside to fix, as else io errors upon seeding or after restarting qbittorrent it would redownload as hashing failed.

If doesn't work, then as workaround could open deluge through python.exe and not the dll through overriding the own embedded alternative exe loader, by opening python.exe and read up several reports on qbittorrent bugtracker about torrents failing because too long paths in torrent, e.g.

The relevant part is just the longpathaware setting there, so could also just add this to already embedded manifest instead if wanted. extract the manifest with resource-hacker or alike from python.exe and embed/overwrite it onto the deluge.exe binary(would be nice to script this in the build-scripts and add option in nsis-template to enable this long-paths option during install, but i'm not working on this anymore as said, but idea for others maybe - I think there's an app mt.exe that can embed manifests from command-line, or else reshacker can be controlled through command-line also I believe - Edit: Could just add longpathaware property to embedded manifests of w64.exe/t64.exe with e.g reshacker, and then would always be available in built deluge binaries, and as said add new option to installer through the nsis template to set the needed reg-key). if even needed a manifest for py-scripts, so could try if works just by setting that key and restarting. However I don't really know how will work i.e. However, the alternative exe loader this unofficial installer utilizes, actually doesn't use python.exe but loads deluge's py-code direct through python39.dll, so the needed manifest isn't seen, and I believe there's already a manifest embedded into that alternative loader already, meaning cannot just add external file as ignored. The python.exe included with this unofficial installer includes from upstream an embedded manifest supporting long paths _if_ having it enabled(win10 1607+) through the reg-key 'longpathsisenabled'. qbittorrent added support for this a year ago or so.
#Long path tool torrent windows
Now for first issue, which is why I write even - yes you're correct in your theory, and is general windows issue, not deluge(and not related to this unofficial installer neither), e.g. whl and extract, and move the 3 extracted folders into deluge folder under 'Lib\site-packages'). ne-any.whl, extract it(if not having 7-zip and cannot extract it, then rename to end in.
#Long path tool torrent download
Also, saw a python script you could extract and place into your deluge folder and run with python.exe from there, either take the 0.97 release and copy the two files under src folder into deluge dir, or take the newest release and the single file under src dir, but that version need an extra module not included with deluge, so if using that, then additionally need download this. You need specify dirs/files with forward slashes, not backwards, usually with many cygwin apps I remember. quickly found this: - I looked at the extracted contents on linux, and newest release is little bigger because include alot of extra stuff you don't need, so only use the bin subfolder - the next-newest link is smaller, but uses older cygwin, the changelog states, don't know how relevant. search for a windows(mingw or cygwin) build of mktorrent, e.g. For second, then not in deluge natively, but could e.g. Sorry not fmar(and please tell me to butt out if overstepping the line with interferring with your thread/contribution, thanks ), but I read little up on your two questions, and is little complicated(the first one). There weren't any commits during the last weeks, so you're not missing out on anything. It will take me some time to set up a new VM and get the build process working. That way the devs will be notified and can provide a proper totally forgot that my Insider build will expire at the end of the month And I also don't want to create a fork by diverging too much from the source.Īnyway, if you would like to see the missing decimal places added, I would suggest you open a ticket.

I'd like to changes these troublesome patches into a "git apply" command in the long run. It already contains a lot of additional patches and some of them are interfering with Deluges source code. I had a look at the thread, but I think I don't want to add the patches to the build process. Thanks for the kind words and suggestion jeps! Would it be possible to integrate mhertz suggestions in this thread: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=56029