Gewehr 43 reproduction for sale
Gewehr 43 reproduction for sale

gewehr 43 reproduction for sale
  1. Gewehr 43 reproduction for sale serial number#
  2. Gewehr 43 reproduction for sale serial#
  3. Gewehr 43 reproduction for sale manual#

This is a beautiful rig fit for the most discerning collector. Worst spot is on left side of sight hood where about a nail head size area is white and a couple of small scratches on the sight base and one 1/8" area of tiny pitting. Action finish perfect and crisp, band has a few tiny marks from disassembly by inept person, barrel end about perfect with a couple of tiny scuffs. Magazine has about 95% original black finish, just some surface scratches. Scope is cloudy but you can still use it, rain shield was jammed in eye guard when I got it and has a fine fracture (crack) running 80% of the way around it about 1/2" from the front (just underneath the lens cap). Buttplate has had surface rust on the bottom and some pin point pits on the right side, stock and handguard perfect, have been linseed oiled and are light brown color as they should be. This rig is completely original WW2 German issue-nothing postwar, nothing renumbered, refinished or altered.

gewehr 43 reproduction for sale

Scope Gw ZF with eye guard, orange filter, green sun/rain shield and correct lens cover set with wood plug and cap.

Gewehr 43 reproduction for sale serial#

Green phosphate mount matches color of receiver with eagle/359 inspection mark and correct engraved matching serial number. Three eagle/359 inspection marks on stock which is unnumbered totally (as it should be).

Gewehr 43 reproduction for sale manual#

This excellent G43 sniper rifle is complete with an original blued cleaning rod and a correct WWII "aye/K43" marked magazine.GERMAN G.43 SNIPER RIFLE WITH ORIGINAL MATCHING SCOPE RIG ac45 single rib, milled receiver, marked "G.43", phosphate action parts, blue barrel, external manual blue dust cover, manufactured without takedown latch or muzzle nut (not missing!). The left side of stock has a partial "eagle/359" proof with a smaller one inside the pistol grip. The rifle is fitted with a correct wartime laminated stock with a smooth cupped buttplate and a early resin impregnated laminated handguard. It has the standard tangent rear sight and blade front sight (absent the front sight hood). It is fitted with a correct wartime "ZF4" sniper scope that is marked "Gw/Z F 4/36679/ddx", indicating it was manufactured by the Voigtlander and Sohns company.

Gewehr 43 reproduction for sale serial number#

It has a single Eagle/359 Waffenamt proof on the side with the serial number "4056" milled/etched on the front end. Fitted with an original (non-matching) Walther production scope mount correctly marked "fest" and "lose" on the locking lever. It has the stamped action cover with the sliding dust cover on top and a single Waffenamt proof on the rear end. It is fitted with the rough forged bolt carrier that has the hold-open latch with the cocking handle on the left side. It has the earlier rough forged single bolt guide receiver that is marked on the left side "G43/ 709L/ac 44", with a single "eagle/359" Waffenamt proof on the right side. These were the standard, mid/late war German sniper rifles intended to replace the K98 sniper rifles.

gewehr 43 reproduction for sale

This specific rifle has the earlier G43 markings that were used during the early part of 1944 production. This is an excellent example of an earlier/ mid-WWII German Army issue, Walther G43 semi-automatic sniper rifle that is complete with an original WWII ZF4 Sniper scope and Walther proofed G43 scope mount.

Gewehr 43 reproduction for sale